"The Imbalance" is a project I have created to portray the problems of poverty in the urban community, how people treat the ones in need and how poverty can affect someone's life. This project consists of a lot of parts that I have spent a lot of time and effort in order to convey what I want.
Year 2 Sem 1, 2023
We notice poverty going on in various countries, including Singapore, no matter how developed we become. Many overlook the roots of how people get poor, or how people cant escape poverty. There are many causes to poverty, each one that may have different background and different stories/journeys throughout their lives.
I want to make people empathise and remember how important people who suffer with poverty in our community, and how we should do what we can to help them.
The story of a father and son, who lived their lives gloriously and arrogantly, until one day they were dragged down to the world of the hard lives. Only then do they realise how the world is in imbalance, how the two classes needed each other to be truly right
Animation trailer
It focuses on the character development of Suma and Kazu, from before the downfall, during, and after their life started as hard lives. Kazu, a natural businessman, tries to find a solution for the two worlds to work together as one, as they both have what the other lack.

the art of the imbalance
Concept art book
We dive deeper into their lives and the world design, and see how it happens in our real life, and what we can do to at least make it a little better.

The scale : a game of balancing your decisions
Card Game
This card game lets you be in one of the character’s shoes, your skills and perks matter in decision making and problem solving in order to achieve a goal.
This game wants to prove that no matter what your background is, your part is as crucial as others for the society to be whole and balanced.
game trailer
Presentation board